
Developer diary: plans and progress reports.

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Archive of October 2008

Boxer 0.81 underway Tuesday 28th October 2008

So far so good with the latest release—the only reported issues with Boxer 0.8 have been rare and mostly minor. I’m putting a 0.81 release together to address what issues there are, the most important of which are fixing keyboard detection on PowerPC macs and adding compatibility for poor old G3 PowerPCs. This should be released sometime this week, and should appear as an automatic update when you start up Boxer.

Edit: as of 0.81, Boxer will no longer disable OS X spaces while playing a DOS game. That feature was useful for games that use the Ctrl key, but was much too unreliable and intrusive for people who use Spaces seriously. If do you find that Spaces shortcuts are interfering with your game, better to run the game in fullscreen or change the game’s controls.

Comments are now working for blog posts, so if there’s anything else you’d like to see improved, post a comment or get in touch directly.

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