
Developer diary: plans and progress reports.

Facelifts Tuesday 30th December 2008

Immobilised by wine and hams, I declared it a fine idea to doll up the sample games with custom disk images.

The first and foremost is Ultima IV, which I remember from the tender age of 7 as my first proper game. The Ultimas came with such fabulous feelies, including cloth maps and hand-illustrated manuals, and I wanted to give those a proper tribute:

Ultima IV disk image

I also made less ostentatious disk images for the System Shock and Dark Forces demos—two distant and sadly neglected cousins of the Doom era:

Dark Forces disk image System Shock disk image

I’m afraid that Tyrian is the runt of the litter for now, as I had no great attachment to the game itself. If I remember a game I’m more emotionally attached to (and legally permitted to distribute), I may replace it in the lineup.

While I don’t plan to make a habit of this, I’m open to suggestions for other freely distributable games to offer (just not Beneath a Steel Sky, I’m afraid I think it's rubbish.)

Design by 40watt.